Song : Yeh Zindagi Bhi by Shankar Ehsaan Loy
Image Credit : http://www.surrealart.com/images/0016__16x20___Cliffjumpers.jpg
Our lives are marked by routine. One that works in an infinite loop. We are born. We grow. We marry. We breed. We raise children. We earn. And one fine day, We die. It just happens with everyone and anyone. I dare say that all of those things are bad, but blind following, one that is sans questioning and reasoning, is bad. Following something that has been done since ages, simply coz it is that way, would be dumb. Status Quo by the virtue of Status Quo doesn't become right. We should act in ways we believe are right and not coz some assumed authority directed it that way. There are only two code of conducts that ever existed in the world, the earlier version is Religion and the latter is Law. It's funny how in both cases, common people barely have a say.
When I said, we should do things we believe in, I meant that the belief should derived by reason and logic. But then I wonder, is there scope for reason in the world? No matter how much logic we apply to the world, it still remains random and unpredictable. Whatever we do, seems useless then. Are Karma, Destiny and Luck the main factors of our lives? We don't know for sure. As much as I'd love to say that everything happens for a reason, the inability to find one always, just deludes me.
So coming back. What is the Purpose of Life? Why are we born? Are we to lead these mundane straight-jacketed lives? Just take birth, live and then die. I like to believe that there is some common purpose for all of us. Life can't be a torture we have to bear. There has to be more to it. Call me an optimist, but there has to be a goal, a focus, a direction that guides our lives. What that purpose is, I don't know, and any guess would push me into spirituality and religion. I want to keep those away for a while.
So let's say Person X has infinite desires. Unlimited and beyond control. Let's say there exists a Grocery Store in the Universe that'll fulfill all your desires. Person X uses this free grocery store. Do you think he'll be satiated? Do you think the world has the ability to fulfill you? To make you content? Can the possession of material things make you permanently happy, content and at peace? I disagree. They can't. My desires are unlimited and the Grocery Stock is unlimited too. I'll just would want more and more and more. And since it's available, I'll grab more and more and more. And yet not be content. So materiality would never make me happy. Then what will?
What would make us content lies beyond the material world. Something that is outside of all this. Away from all this. And it is only when the desire to fulfill the purpose is satisfied that we will be satisfied. It's a tautology. If the purpose is fulfilled, we will be fulfilled because our purpose is fulfilled.
So our lives are a routine. A routine journey to identify our purpose, find ways to fulfill the same and then eventually fulfill it. We are Humans. It can't be so hard that we suck at it. It's not Rocket Science. It can't be Rocket Science. Else it won't make sense. And the world is random, not nonsensical. It's the Science of the Self. The History of Man. The Accounts of our Virtues and Vices. The Politics of our Mind. And much more. Yet it can't be complex. It'll be basic and simple. Direct but hard to achieve.
I hope everyone finds their Purpose. Sooner or Later, I guess everyone will.
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