To This Month and Today.
Song : Death and All His Friends by Coldplay.
And softly he spoke the following words :
Parting is such sweet sorrow,
For we shall meet again, that I am sure.
On planets far away or in realms unknown,
In times to come and generations to see.
We will meet again, Dear Friend.
And until that moment, forget me not,
Cherish our memories and search for me.
And when we will, which I am sure we will,
It'll be magical, yet real,
Almost like your reflection discovering yourself,
And then, we will part again, to meet again,
Because Parting is sweet sorrow.
The least of any pain, for there is hope, nay surety, to meet again.
Adios, my love, I shall see you soon. And then we shall lie under the moonlit sky and plan our escape.
Escape from this world, onto the journey of Self Discovery.
And then He left them, to meet them again.
This is not even original. Shakespeare. Romeo. Brutus. Coldplay. Dido. The Little Prince.
oh seeing good bye, I thot u r getting to busy to glad its not that way
No, No, that time hasn't come now! And I hope won't for a long time.
How're you?
Just cus all those guys inspired you dsnt mean its not original.
it is.
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