24 February 2010

Idol. Idle. Ideal.

Ok, this one will include random facts about me to the conclusions I make of the world. So bear with the randomness.

To Gannu :)
For being a good Idol for me.
For never being idle and always on the move.
For being the Ideal Chosen Family.


I was reading this book the other day, about Adi Shankaracharya, and this is what it had to say which I thought was awesome. It said that idols were important, or some sort of association, with an object or something tangible to be able to understand something intangible or subtle like spirituality or the Higher Power. It went on to say, that if you had a statue of a judge, then that object would constantly remind you of the beliefs of justice and the steps and measures that that particular judge took to achieve justice. The ideas of justice are present in us, however, they are reinforced only when we meet such an object. We all know Gandhi helped us loads during the freedom struggle, but since we weren't there when he did all that, we don't know the kind of aura he had, or his modus operandi, or his awesome-ness, which is why you have all these externalities trying to achieve the same level of greatness he had or at least trying to project that he was that awesome. The same is with Religion. Just coz you offer flowers to an Idol, doesn't mean that God is actually adorned with all of that. Just coz a statue is guarded by police, doesn't mean that the actual person when he existed had security around him all the time. And therefore, all offerings, all charity and all love that one displays towards a God Idol, is simply there to give some tangibility to a Higher Concept. It exists to give some direction. The underlining truth here is that it is very difficult to conceptualize a higher power and be obedient to it, without actually developing a mode of praying or ritual. The other truth here is, that, ultimately the Higher power will be realized sans an idol association, however that level of understanding is not present in everyone and can be only achieved once this Idol Worship phase has been crossed or at least understood. One cannot achieve the Higher Power without having a holistic view. After all, the essence me, is the essence in you.

There is one Idol I carry with me in my bag, Lord Ganesh. Though my dream, is to have my own house, which would have one really large idol of Lord Krishna playing the flute. I think that's awesome.

And My Idol in life, no one ever qualified that much to have so much influence to guide me in my life. I always choose my own course. Of course I always had my favourite people to guide me.


That's what used to be my facebook chat status always. Now of course it's never that coz I hardly go online. I sometimes wonder, if idle time is in fact the most productive time. Maybe that's perhaps the only time we think the most. Our entire day, like it or not, is mostly a routine and it's only when we are absolutely free, that we can associate with ourselves and possibly think. Imagine, the time when you are in bed waiting for sleep, or possibly after you've just woken up and are in bed, you're absolutely idle. And that's when you think. About the day that has past or is about to start. And that thinking decides so much of your mood. And your mood affects everything.

On the other hand, we all love idle time. In the past 6 months, I can list so many occasions when I just wanted idle time. No debates, no friends, no family, no work, nothing. Just a break. A vacation. And that could just be sitting in my room doing absolutely nothing. Lazying around. And that idle time, I am sure would rejuvenate me. And perhaps bring back the vigour and "junoon." I don't know when I lost it, but I am certain I have. Maybe lost in the mundane-ness of life.

And that's about it.


Now this is something that pisses everyone off. Being the best. And somehow parents always want you to be the ideal child. Don't worry, I won't rant about like a thirteen year old. But this is what I wonder about. Do I want to be perfect? Do I want to be the ideal? Can I be the ideal? I don't know about the third one, but I am certain about the first two. It's a No. I don't want to be the best. I like flaws. I guess it gives me the feel that I am normal. That I am like others. However, of course I don't believe in turning my brain off and walking blindly where the world is headed. To believe differently, doesn't make you Ideal. What makes you ideal then? Adherence to norms? A good citizen? What is it? I don't know. It's strange that I don't know what it is, but I am certain I don't want it. You can call me dumb. But even when Harry Potter had the Deathly Hallows, he gave them up. He didn't want the perfectness. It's annoying.

Ideally, I should run a spell check after I write a blog, but trust me it's the worst formality in the world. Almost a necessary evil. I hate it :/

What are my ideals? What should be anyone's ideals? To do good, whatever good be.

Ideal. It's a scary word.

Bas yaar, that's enough. Thanks to Devna and Ganesh for their contribution of ideas in this. I am certain their brains will spot it.

I think this should do the dramatic ending :
