After the discovery of the Shiva Linga figure in the Gyanvapi Mosque, posts started circulating on social media with images of elliptical/oval figures mocking the claim of the Plaintiffs that the figure is a Shiva Linga. I saw some of those posts (now that I have returned to Twitter). I was hurt because the posts also mocked God, that too an aspect of God which is dear to me (Shiva). I spent sometime being angry and annoyed. Posted some heated tweets (which made me realise why I had left Twitter in the first place).
But something did not feel right. I kept feeling like that there must be a spiritual answer to this. Like in the Manishapanchakam, Bhagwan Adi Shankaracharya came across a Chandala on his way to the temple. When Bhagwan asked him to move away, the Chandala asked him whether he wanted the body to move or the consciousness that pervades the body? Realising that the Chandala was really Bhagwan Shiva, Bhagwan Adi Shankaracharya gave the most exquisite explanation of the Oneness that pervades everyone and everything. Incidentally, the background of Manishapanchakam was also in Banaras.
And so I wondered, whether there could be such a poetic response to these posts. It is quite presumptuous of me to compose such a response. I seek Bhagwan's mercy, as I endeavour to compose a response. I am very poor at Sanskrit, and so the response is in Hindi - not that my Hindi is great!
शिव व्यापक हैं, जगत कारण,
अधिष्ठान हैं, करें ब्रह्माण्ड धारण;
हर "है" रूप मे भासमान,
इधर भी वही विराजमान।
शिवलिंग हैं विशेष चिन्ह,
उपासना से होंगे अभिन्न;
सारी सृष्टि उनकी कृति
हर रूप मे करो हर दृष्टि !
जो शिव मंदिर में प्रतिष्ठित,
वही सब के हृदय स्थित;
उनकी निन्दा है तुम्हारी हार,
तत्त्वमसि - कहें कितनी बार?
भज शिवोहम् ! भज शिवोहम् !
Shiva is all-pervading, He is the cause of the world,
He is the sub-stratum, He encompasses the whole universe;
He shines in all that exists,
(Thus) He is here too.
Shiva Linga is His special symbol,
Worshiping (It) one becomes not-different (from Him),
Everything is His creation,
In every form see Him!
The Shiva that resides in the temple,
Also resides in everyone's heart,
You lose when He is insulted,
That Thou Art - How many times to repeat?
Recite Shivoham (I am Shiva)!
Recite Shivoham (I am Shiva)!
This is my humble attempt at composing a response. Please accept with a bucket full of salt. I don't even know if this qualifies as a response, but I wanted to write something.
[ is holding an essay writing competition on Bhagwan Adi Shankaracharya. One of the topics is - "Adi Shankara in my daily life". I have not written the essay as yet, but this is an example of Adi Shankara in my daily life. His compositions inspire, console and enthuse me. My experiments with religion/faith would not have been possible without Bhagwan's ever illuminating guidance.]