Dear God,
I am writing to You for the first time and so I do not know the niceties and formalities of speaking with You. I hope You would not mind. I have taken this extraordinary measure of writing to You because I am seeking forgiveness (कृपाकरम् क्षमाकरम्).
We have failed You.
You gave us the message of the world being one family (वसुधैव कुटुम्बकम्). We were all meant to be Your children. But squabbles happen among siblings. And so we asked for papers and proofs from our own.
You welcomed ghosts in Your procession and here we are excluding living beings from our homes.
You gave the lofty ideal of That Thou Art (तत्त्वमसि), bringing us to the same pedestal as Yourself. Yet, we acted in a manner that was totally unbefitting of You. We made Your name as our war cry - a war against our own people. We broke, burnt, shot and pelted in Your name. Instead of feeling the Oneness, we furthered the divide.
You drank poison (हलाहल) to save us. We threw poison on others and committed arson.
We hoped to build the ideal kingdom on earth (राम राज्य), based on the Your principles. But instead of creating a kingdom where no creature killed another, as all were focussed on You, we incited others to shoot, riot and demolish. We clapped, cheered and encouraged, as the kingdom burnt.
You are the epitome of justness and fairness (मर्यादा पुरुषोत्तम). Stricter on Yourself compared to others. To You, we bow down and pray. But when some mortals tried to bring justice and sanity to the madness we had let loose; we made sure they were sent packing. After all, a sycophant is better than a cynic.
We fought for many years to build Your temple. We demolished that which encroached on Your Holy presence, if anything could ever encroach Your presence. We promise that we will build a landmark honouring You. But don't ask us to recognise the temple within us. You should be in the temple outside. Not within our hearts.
We have failed You.
And so, I seek Your forgiveness, O! करुणावतारम्! Each day that passes, the world just gets one step worse.
I have the fullest faith in You. We are a part of You and therefore ultimately there is justice. But sometimes, it becomes necessary for You to immediately intervene. You made that promise (यदा यदा हि धर्मस्य ग्लानिर्भवति भारत....). And so I hope that You would manifest Yourself and end the unrighteousness that we have spread.
पल पल है भारी वो विपदा है आई
मोहे बचाने अब आओ रघुराई !
पापोहं पाप कर्माहं पापात्मा पाप संभवः।
त्राहि मां पार्वतीनाथ सर्व पापहरो हरः ।।