13 January 2015

Winter Dressing

I avoid giving fashion advice. Most of my friends and family would testify that I dress averagely. Yet, I want to share this passionate rant about winter clothing. My close friends have already heard bits and pieces of it. In a nutshell, my hypothesis is that we (we as in people in Delhi) don't dress adequately for the winter. It is not that we look horrible. In fact, we look absolutely stunning. My belief is that despite the clothes and the layers, we end up shivering and feeling cold.

The purpose of clothes

To my understanding, clothing has a two fold purpose. First is to protect from weather and terrain. Thus, you have hot pants and shorts in hot weather, coats, shawls and jackets in winters and rain coats for monsoons. 

Secondly, people use it as a tool to look good. This also includes fashion as understood in the popular sense. Thus, you have low waist jeans in a particular collection and skinny jeans in the other. I do not know if there is a functional difference between the two, but there is an appearance difference between them. 

A popular denim brand recently came out with a "commuter jeans" which has a functional difference from other jeans in the sense that it helps in mobility, safety and convenience. I have not used it, but the advertisement suggests that it has all sorts of secret pockets and that you can jump over fences wearing them (personally I believe that you can't jump in any jeans). Anyway, the said jeans is a good example of the two purposes of clothing (that is if the jeans are really effective for commuting).

In this post, my focus will be on the first purpose. 

Delhi Winter

The Delhi Tourism website describes the average minimum and maximum temperature as 5 and 25 degree celsius respectively. Generally, the weather is very cold. While most days are sunny, there are also days with no sun and sometimes there is little rain. Most homes don't have a central heating mechanism and hence even at home, one is sufficiently bundled up. There is no snow and temperatures rarely hits 0 degrees. The advised clothing is woollen, complimented with body warmers.

Source : Delhi Tourism Website

What do Delhites dress like?

I have three observations with respect to the current way of our winter dressing :

i) Cotton sweaters are useless

The various types of sweater fabrics, in the degree of least warm to most warm are :
  • Cotton
  • Acrylic - warmer than cotton, but not as much as wool
  • Wool (degree of warmth varies by wool type, you can see the various types on this eBay link)
Delhites wear many layers of clothing. That is important because it traps heat. But it is equally important that each of those layers is woollen. If the purpose is to keep warm, clothes with woollen content will keep you warmer compared to cotton ones. Perhaps two cotton layers maybe the equivalent of one woollen layer. Thus, many layers of clothing does not necessarily imply warmer clothing, especially if those layers are cotton.

I explored the men's sweater range at a few e-commerce websites. Following are some observations from one of those websites (Jabong) :

The website classified ~2200 sweaters by fabric. Of these, 43% are cotton sweaters. Assuming wool means 100% wool/primarily wool, only ~15% of the sweaters are "woollen" (wool + wool rich). 

"Blended" could mean any mix of cotton, acrylic and wool. Personally, I have two sweaters that have 20% wool and 80% wool and both may be classified as "Blended"  (the mix is often printed on the tag of the sweater - either behind the neck or on the bottom left side). Generally, the degree of wool mix is not available as a filter on e-commerce websites. Given the wide possibilities of mix and limited data, I have ignored "Blended"

Sweaters by fabric, Source : Jabong

Cotton, wool and wool rich sweaters have the following price bands respectively :

Cotton Sweaters have a wide price range. In the premium (above INR 3000) range, there were brands such as Tommy Hilfiger, Nautica and Gant. In the densest range (INR 1000 - 1500), there are brands such as Indian Terrain, Benetton, Monte Carlo, British Cross and Highlander 

Cotton Sweaters, Source : Jabong, 12 Jan 2015

Woollen sweaters had few options under INR 1000. These were all sleeveless sweaters (which are cheaper compared to full sleeves). The next range ie: INR 1000 to 1500 had brands such as Cantabill, Fabtree and Monte Carlo (sleeveless). The INR 1500 - 2000 range was predominantly Monte Carlo. The premium range, which went as high as INR 7000, had brands such as Calvin Klein and Wills Lifestyle

Wool Sweaters, Source : Jabong, 12 Jan 2015

Wool Rich sweaters seemed the most expensive of the lot. Below INR 2000, there was only one full sleeves sweater by Benetton and others were without sleeves. The next bracket had Benetton sweaters priced at INR 2500 (after discount). They had some sort of Cashmere blend (a sort of high quality wool; super soft) 

Wool Rich Sweaters, Source : Jabong, 12 Jan 2015

Woollen clothing is expensive but is more effective in keeping you warm (on a one to one basis). The above analysis shows that the cost of two cotton sweaters is the same as one woollen sweater within the same brand (say Benetton). Searches on Myntra and Snapdeal showed a similar differential between cotton and woollen sweaters.

If we believe that two cotton sweaters have the same effectiveness as one woollen sweater, then I would prefer the one woollen sweater. It would be lighter and more convenient. On the other hand, the two cotton sweaters will give you more colours, designs and options. Functionally, woollen sweaters have an advantage as they will be lighter. Through the lens of fashion, cotton sweaters will have an advantage.

My suggestion would be to purchase woollen sweaters. You can check the composition of wool on the label attached to the sweater or on the back of the neck or on the bottom left side. These sweaters are lighter, softer and warmer.

ii) Thicker the better

That's what she said? My second hypothesis is that consumers tend to mistake thicker garments as warmer garments. That is again not true. What matters is the filing of the jacket/main material used. A thick cotton jacket might have the same warmth as a thin and lightweight polyester jacket (same cotton and woollen sweater logic).

A good example to show this is the change in the use of "Razais". Earlier, the Razais used in my home were thick and bulky and I would die a warm death under their weight. However, there has been an advent of newer and lighter quilts that are equally warm and far more convenient to use and store. This shows that what matters is the filling and not the weight.

This website explains the various types of insulated outerwear. Not all are available in India. For example, down jackets are extremely warm and light weight (one recent user described them as smokin' hot). The water resistant versions are often used in times of snow. The same are not available in India (probably because of their limited usage or perhaps it is an untapped market). 

According to an overview of e-commerce websites, common materials used in jackets are cotton, nylon and polyester (excluding blended versions). Even though cotton is not warm or as warm as polyester, yet their quantity on e-commerce portals is roughly the same :

Source : E-commerce websites, 12 Jan 2015

Functionally speaking, please buy polyester jackets. They are thinner and warmer. Price differentials between cotton and polyester exist. But if you are going to spend about INR 2000 on a jacket, then might as well spend a little more and get something better. If you go abroad, buy a down jacket. For a down jacket that is suited to Delhi weather, you might find something that is cheaper than a polyester jacket (as priced in Delhi) but manifold warmer. 

iii) Sasta bhi ho, acha bhi ho (should be cheap, should be good)

My final hypothesis has no evidence. Based on my unsubstantiated beliefs on the Indian consumer, I feel that the following summarises winter shopping :

The Indian consumer (middle class?) is increasingly brand conscious. She enters a branded store to purchase winter clothing. But she is also price sensitive. Hence, she ends up purchasing the cheapest branded winter clothing which is often a cotton product. 

Considerations are given to colour and design, followed by available size and fit. However, the warmth of the garment is not a part of the evaluation criteria at any stage.

I would urge you to prioritise the functional aspect of clothing especially when it comes to winter clothing. Summer clothing is easier because most of the stuff is cotton. Functionally efficient winter clothes may or may not be dashing, but they will keep you warm.

Limitations in the analysis

  • Geographically, India is a diverse country. The degree of winter varies from one region to another. Thus, woollen clothes might work in Delhi but they might not be as useful in Bangalore (where single digit temperatures are rare). Online shopping portals cater to the whole country. Hence, conclusions with respect to the winter preferences of a region cannot be made based on the national stock of an online portal. The portal will accommodate both cotton and polyester choices for the different temperatures in India. Ideally, the sample set should be the collection in local Delhi stores
  • The analysis conspicuously misses out the various types of Indian consumers. The major group that it misses out are those who mostly buy unbranded products. Most unbranded products do not carry information on the make/material used. In such cases, various layers of clothing and thick jackets are legitimate biases. Given the brands mentioned in the analysis, the focus of the study seems to be on the relatively wealthier class of consumers
  • The third hypothesis is a tautological. If the focus of the analysis is on consumers that buy branded products, then by definition they will be brand conscious. Additionally, it is a bit unsettling to imagine that brand conscious consumers will also be price sensitive. The presence of the former usually implies the absence of the latter (at least to a certain extent)

Despite these limitations, I hope that the analysis raised/answered some questions for you. Thank you so much for reading. If you have any feedback, please do share!

In the upcoming winter sale season, I hope that smart deals come your way and that this post proves to be useful.

Happy Lohri! :D

6 January 2015

Legal Nugget : Anti-conversion laws

This is an information piece on anti-conversion laws. Personal opinion is at the end of the post.

I. Anti-conversion laws have been around for a while

Some states in India have a "Freedom of Religion Act" aka Anti-Conversion Law. Key provisions are :
  • Does not allow persons to convert others by the use of force, allurement or the threat of divine displeasure
  • Asks for registration of the conversion with the local collector/magistrate AFTER the conversion, within a specified period (EXCEPT in Gujarat, where you have to take PRIOR permission)
Legal provisions of some of the states : Arunachal PradeshMadhya PradeshOrissaGujarat

II. Most of them are constitutionally valid
  • In 1977, the Supreme Court upheld the constitutional validity of the Orissa and Madhya Pradesh Acts (see here)
  • The prior permission to convert restricts the freedom of religion. The after conversion intimation is not restrictive. Comparison can be made to marriage laws where a registration of marriage facilitates the proof of marriage but does not impact the validity of marriage
  • A petition was filed in the Gujarat High Court challenging the state law. Don't know the status of the same. Found this article only
III. Law Commission of India recommended conversion related provisions during UPA-2

Interesting to note that the Law Commission of India in 2010 recommended some guidelines. See page 20 (para 16) of their report.

Personal Opinion :
Over the years, there have been several instances of mass conversions and conversions in exchange for goodies. A religious conversion cannot simply happen through the performance of a certain ceremony or by declaration or by an affidavit. It should be preceded by a shift in the persons' conception of God. From the point of theology, the latter is the necessary condition while the former is an ancillary condition.

A conversion has many legal and social consequences. In India, personal laws are governed by the religion of the party and can vary greatly from one religion to another (polygamy, maintenance, divorce, inheritance etc.). Thus, a conclusive proof of conversion would be desirable.

The performances of rituals, customs and duties of the new religion can be guiding factors to infer successful conversion. However, there can be instances of families converting from religion A to religion B, yet continuing with some of the customs of their earlier faith. Hence, there can be no direct proof of a persons' shift in the belief of God.

The elements of a "genuine" conversion are difficult to prove. On the other hand, bogus conversions are simpler to prove. There are some instances where the conversion is clearly a sham. Mass conversions is one such example. Conversion in exchange for money/food is another. In these instances, the culpability of the offence is on the converter and not on the converted.

The matter of conversion and of one's faith is personal. If person A bribes person B to convert and B agrees, then that is a reflection of the religious beliefs of those two. Person A clearly wants more "numbers" on his side and is ready to recruit non-believers. Person B is ready to renounce his faith in exchange for money goes to show how much of a believer he is. Both of them have made a mockery of religion.

In light of the above, my recommendation would be :
  • Punishing the converter for forcible conversions (using coercion, threat, violence, fraud, misrepresentation, undue influence etc.). I would be apprehensive to include allurement. While the former forces consent, the latter invites consent. In the former, there is no consent since force has been used, but in the latter the offer is so good that the converted sees it as a beneficial transaction. However, some forms of allurement may constitute as undue influence (providing food and healthcare to the poor)
  • A duty upon the converted to report his conversion to local magistrate AFTER the conversion. Like mentioned above, a conversion has manifold implications and hence there should not be any ambiguity
  • The non-reporting of conversion will not have a bearing on the conversion itself. But for the conversion to have legal effects, it must be reported to the magistrate. While a mental conversion is good in theology, it is not good in law

    Image : http://www.quazoo.com/q/Religious_conversion