Yes I know, I should be writing a story / work of fiction, but let's just say someone else is doing a better job. Ok , this week has been awesomely nice....Here's an account ( Not in chronological order, but in order of thoughts)
Coldplay Album. There is no artist in the world that I love more than you guys. Coldplay launched a new album/collection of songs on 15th May, which was free to download for all it's fans. And the songs are all live concert recordings, so if you listen to 'em on full volume, the kind of feeling you get, oh my good--it's heaven. It's like you are there cheering and the fact that you are a part of the whole thing makes it so orgasmic. God I love them. And they also made a Recession busting and Fan thanking move by deciding to give each one of the audience at their concerts a free CD of these songs. Kya yaar, inse better koi hoo sakta hain. Oh...The album is called Left right left right left. Download it from here---- And if you REALLY wish to get the feel of it. Listen to Viva La Vida full volume. I couldn't feel my heart after the first time. Below: Album cover

KT : Today, I went to The Attic, to hear out Mr. Kishore Thukral on his true calling, The Spiti Valley. The pictures were so beautiful and it seemed like he knew everything. Each stone, each lake and each feeling of Spiti was in his heart. How I know KT is different, but the fact that I heard out an author so intelligent, so wise and so inspiring for the third time, it's fantastic. But there is a more important thing that I learnt. I won't be writing the book most of you came to know about. Listening to KT made me realise, that there is so much I can explore, look, feel and be, I don't want a book right now. I have the feelings fresh in me, but I don't want to translate them. I want to read Shaky Dude, I want to Travel, I want St. Stephen's. Pata nahi. :|
Oh, for all that it's worth, I saw the Devil today, and yes I do HATE her. Below: Spiti
Red shorts: My Mom did not like them, which means that her generation doesn't like them, which implies that I did the right "fashion" thing. ^_^ They are in, and I like them. Deal with it. Below: A glimpse for those who wouldn't ever see me wearing 'em.
Connaught Place : God. I had gone to meet ONE of my friends and I ended up meeting the entire clan. First I met Vasudha, then Garima, then Abhinav and Anu. I also saw Rajesh Mishra, Director IMS. I mean Ek teer aur itne saare nishaane. LOL. :) . I even showed Vasudha the terrace of one of CP's buildings, though it was less appreciated. Below: CP. Duh.

There might have been much happier and better things, but i just don't remember 'em. Next week Gautam is going to come, which is nice. My result is going to come, which could be nice. And I have to study, which is definitely not nice.
Oh I forgot.
Dedication : To KT.
Song : Viva La Vida by Coldplay. LRLRL Version. :)
Today is an important day in the history of this Blog. We have changed the title, the template, the widgets and all the change is definitely for the BETTER. I hope you like it. My writing might also change and you might notice a tinge of young-ness.This wouldn't have been possible without :1. Blogger templates: Thank you for the jeans.2. Facebook: For helping me rest for a while.3. Pari: For having seen it for the first time.4. Arsheen: For having loved it so much.5. Gautam: For his idea to change my picture.6. Ahana: For finally seeing it.7. Aakriti: For having loved the template and promised not to follow.8. Vasudha: For being a keen reader throughout.9. SS and other readers: For always telling me when the post was weird or nice.10. Digveer: For have planted the idea in the first place.11. Aditi: For have improved my writing.12. Coldplay: For making awesome songs which I listen to when I write. Sorry your widget had to go.13. (My best Number) EK: For making me realize that sometimes you have to change or stay away because other people are too dumb to do the same.Thanks Everyone. Thanks. I hope you like it.Oh since I forgot earlier, One Tree Hill. You changed everything. Thanks.
Everyone needs a guide. Everyone needs help to deal with life. Everyone faces some sick sorry social situation sometime or the other. One of my friends asked me to list down some social norms long time ago, but lethargic me is doing it now. Better late than never ;)Dedication: To those who always screw up and end up thinking, "I'm such a bitch!"Song: Help Is Just Around The Corner by Coldplay.1. Most of us ask for advice from people we know, some of us just use the Internet. When asking for advice, quietly listen to the speaker. It's never nice to ask for advice and then start arguing with adviser that they are wrong. एक तोह वो तुम परएहसान कर रहा हैं, ऊपर से तुम उसे लड़ने लगजाओ| वाह बही वाह ! 2. Never ever waste your energies on someone who you know is not ready to listen. You can shout, you can yell but some people think they are king of the world and will NOT listen, not now, not ever. I know it pisses you off especially when they're wrong, but I guess people are people.3. Some people talk a LOT especially when you have called. They will talk, talk and keep on talking come what may, sometimes even when they have called. Since you can't tape / zip their mouth, the best way is, you start speaking about stuff that you know. For Example: When Ahana starts talking about science stuff I don't understand or when I start sermon-ing her, I'm sure both of us feel like slamming the phone, though she can't-She has a cordless. Not that we talk a lot, just that why watch a foreign film with no subtitles.4. If some one does something for you, Thank them a million times. Even if they haven't crossed a river or jumped from the Empire State Building, have a heart and give them a chocolate. It's always feels good to make someone smile and have your way too.5. People are weird. A bunch of 'em can piss you off just like that. I mean for no immediate fault of theirs, you just hate them from the corner of your heart and a slightest mistake of theirs would make your mouth utter beautiful words like slut, son of bitch, the F*** word. etc etc. It's best that you STAY AWAY from them. STAY AWAY.6. Continuing Point 5, Sometimes we like people. We think that no matter what the odds are, they might have some brain and they would be not as the world pictures them to be. Truth is--OUR hopes are wrong. Men are jerks and women are slow. So if you are hurt, then the best way is to STAY AWAY from these people too.7. How to STAY AWAY: * De-friend them on facebook, orkut and other places where you waste time. Nothing more pleasing. TRUST ME. * Delete them from your phone book. * Inspired from Jab We Met--Call them, Abuse Them. * Tell your friends about your friend and insist that they should always insult / make fun of your special someone always when you are around. * Listen to Hope it gives you hell by The All American Rejects. * A little filmy, but if you can punch them in the face.8. There are moments when you can't say anything or your brain is too slow to process an answer. In such cases just Nod. At least the other person gets some assurance. Like some one said, better keep quiet and be a fool, than open your mouth and confirm the doubt.9. Sometimes there is a stalemate like situation in our lives. Neither of the two people would accept their mistake. In that case, Just say sorry and finish the crappy bottleneck in your life. Saying it won't kill you. It might hurt your ego, but trust me neither is anyone measuring your ego on a daily basis nor is there a record of the number of times you have said Sorry. So just say it and end It.10. Everyone has problems. Everyone has miseries. Don't talk about them and make the world an even more remorse place. Just laugh and if you can't, buy a joke book. And yeah, if you have issues with this blogger / blog, that we are too casual about life, then--I don't care.11. MOST IMPORTANT: Always listen to the Blogger who has poor decision making powers, who is too scared to start his magnum opus, who has awesome music taste, who won't ever read Twilight and yes, of course, who satisfies ALL of those conditions. If there exists more than one such person.....then choose the one who you know. ( DUH---ME)Like it or not, This is True. All true.